Making the Most of Your Auction Experience
Selling Your House in the Winter
Selling your house in the winter can seem like a bad idea, but the truth is that it may be the best season to get close to your asking price and showcase your home in an optimal setting. At LAWSON & CO., we know spring dominates the industry, but we also know...
Pokémon! Catch Them and Sell Them!
Pokémon is an ongoing phenomenon that has been popular since 1996. For the most part, school-age children all over the world play and trade Pokémon cards from the back of school cafeterias, on school buses, in parks, and at home. However, for the serious collector,...
Sell Your Home: Skip the Holiday Decorations?
Holiday cheer is all well and good, but does it help or hinder when trying to sell your home? If you love stringing up lights the day after Thanksgiving and decorating a Christmas tree with your family, we have good news! Not only are people more motivated to buy...
Clear the Way! Clean Out Clutter
One of the more frustrating parts of homeownership is clutter! Home sweet home is also a place where we collect up all our treasures over the years. You decide that the hot dog spiralizer you absolutely needed two years ago now just takes up cabinet space. Not only is...
Humans and the Joy of Their Collections
Collecting things is something humans have since, well, since the beginning of human civilizations! We provided insight into that in a previous blog. Many people are passionate about collecting certain things. How someone got their unique passion for their collections...
How to Be Successful at Coin Collecting
Maybe you read our previous post and caught a glimpse into the coin collecting and find it intriguing. Did we convince you that coins might not be so boring after all? If you think coin collecting may be a potential endeavor for you to undertake, there are some tips...
The Notable Value of Stamp Collections
Stamp collections are the property of mostly serious people who assess the monetary value of their collections based on a set of criteria. Notably, the most common criteria to judge the value of a stamp collection is how rare are the pieces are as well as what...
Collecting Dolls is More Than Child’s Play
Dolls are not just for little kids anymore. In fact, collecting dolls is a hobby trending among sophisticated collectors. Here at LAWSON & CO we see many very serious doll collectors in search of special finds for their doll collections. Collecting Dolls Follows...